Is it the pill talking?

Hi. My name is Manhattan Spelling. I live in New York. I am 23 years old.
I am one of the luckiest people in this world.
This world is like an island. We use to live on a huge ship. On that ship we had anything we could ever want and need. We were celebrities. All we had to do was think about something that we wanted and poof - there is was. We didn't live in a room. We each had a huge mansion. In the mansion was 71 rooms.
We could chose from 21 different social rooms. Each social room had different kind of friends, depending on what mood we were in. Or if I just wanted quiet, I had 11 private "do not disturb" rooms. If I wanted to read I could find any book I wanted. There was one room with comedy books. One room with research books. And, of course, one room of bathroom books. Yes, toilet and all included.
And you can imagine what the rest of the mansion included.
Boom! Bam! Crash! Bash! What was that?
The ship just suddenly blew up. We were not maintaining the machinery properly. It finally gave way. We were doomed.
A few of us made it! Kinda.
We floated onto an island. This island had no royal rooms. It had nothing but wild animals and adversaries. There was no BS. It was life or death. All that we can rely on was each other. The only way we could survive is counting on each other.
I am still on the island and am very happy to say that I am not only surviving but I am also living.
I am so lucky that I was washed ashore to this island. This people on my island I would never trade in for anything in the world. I just hope and pray that I am in some way helping them out to survive. They have saved my life this year and I hope that I won't have to return the life back. But I sure hope that some day I can be in a position to help. No matter where on the island I land, I will always keep them in mind.
In your world, who's on your island? Zoom Out. Live.
I like the island bit, very moving. I don't understand the ship metaphor.
Is that referring to life before this year?
And what is the significance of the number of rooms?
Or is that the pill talking?
The ship is the world during Adam & Eve.. and before & after we are born.. The Island is the world we live in today.. hmm.. make any sense?
hmmm i thought of it differently when i read it.
i guess that makes ur post 'a classic'
i think i was always on the island. and scorning those on the ship.
When trying to let your thought release itself onto your keyboard that is called classic creativity.. an article with such recipe can say different things to dif. people.. maybe that's it.. which I guess would be some sort of a compliment.. thanx..
It feels so strange doing this, but I'm writing this up here anyways. I hope you have some type of system on this blog that emails you when someone comments so that way you'll find this (and then delete it so the whole world won't have to read it :).
Here I am, writing to the famous, the one of a kind, the unbelievable YOU.
Why you ask?
To tell you something I believe you may not have ever been told, and if I'm wrong I'm sorry for being redundant.
Well here goes:
Imagine you gave someone a brand new top of the line computer. A few weeks later you go to this person's house and see that they are using this computer... as a paper weight.
Ridiculous, no?
Yet people do this all the time.
Hashem gives them talents beyond measure and they can do so much with it all if they would just take the wires and plug them in. So many play the 'tragic hero' because they never actualize their potential.
You are an extremely talented and capable individual. You have accomplished and withstood things that I stand in amazement of. You have taken your "computer" and plugged in the wires.
But now what?
It's time to "up-grade" your system, it's time to put in the newest programs and totally reboot your system.
You have so much to give... you need to keep going, pull everything through, and just keep "up-grading".
I've read things that you have written, spoken to you once (years ago) and seen you in person only twice.
But what I've heard of you, the few glimpses into your life that I've been privileged to, have given me a mere glimmer of the depth you have within yourself.
You are a person who has the ability to walk with humor and depth hand-in-hand. That is a true gift from Shamayim, NEVER let anything take that away from you.
I read through your posts, and the comments etc. and as much as it's not my business, and it's far from me to tell you anything about who and what you are and who you should be and forsure who you should marry, I'll still put in my two cents.
(I'm not really sure why I choose to do so... but I guess it's because I care very much about who you are and who you become.)
As I was saying, on your blog you asked if you should marry a girl on your level or the level you want to become.
My response is that (as said above) a person has to keep growing, keep moving (afterall, for the Rebbe nothing was ever "good enough"). You say how you want to grow etc. thus, you don't want a girl who's just on your level. You want a girl who will grow with you, because of you, and from you, and of course vice versa.
Marriage is a balance.
It's the harmony of two totally seperate and often very different people fusing into a single "me". So, if you think a girl is higher than you, step back and ask yourself in which respects are you higher than her, and you'd be surprised at your answer.
What I'm saying is that your Maalos might fill in her Chisronos and the other way around. So while you're so frum in one aspect she'll be in another and you'll iy"H grow from one-another.
You were put on earth to become the best M.P. you can become. Find a girl who will get you there. You need to find a girl who is willing to keep moving.
Girls who are FUNNY, motherly, keep, sweet, and Chassidish (and all those other terrific adjectives) do exist.
IY"H you'll find that out soon and build a true BNBY.
I guess that in short I felt I had to tell you all this because it's been on my mind and in my heart for a while, and who knows if anyone else tells you such things? So I took my chance and just wrote!
I wish you much Hatzlochah in everything, and hope to see much Brocha and Simcha, in your life. May you continue to be a shining example, and bring Moshiach now! :)
Stam... just me
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