A form of milk that is not hard but yet not liquid.
Wheat Germ.
An interesting grain that some people mix in to the yogurt.
Do I really love the yogurt that I force it to excessively flirt with the wheat germ to enhance the taste and feeling? Do I hate the yogurt to such an extent that I want to flush out our taste relationship by pouring in an element with the word 'germ' in it? Germ? They really shouldn't put that word into anything that you ingest! Which one is the one that is truly dear to my heart?
On a side note.. Why does it seem that the more strict of a Kosher symbol on the yogurt the bigger chance that the yogurt will taste like harsh sour cream?
With yogurt and wheat germ it is a very clear question of taste pallet loyalty. With people walking on the overlapping thin line of "Secular" and "Hassidic" it may be a lot more complicated.
When doing something "wrong" it does not cancel out the "good". Does it?
A day in the line of conflicting fire:
Damn alarm. I'm so tired! What will help me get up in this peaceful quiet room? Where's the remote?
I push the button on the remote that turns on the TV to the news. The same channel that put me to sleep the night before. I then take my hands off of the remote and put them together to say Mode Ani.
I then brush my teeth. More importantly I brush my tongue to get rid of my bad breath. A little trick that so many people don't know.
I then walk into the kitchen and wash Negel Vaser. I remove the klipa under my nails and fingers. If you follow my fingers after I dry my hands you will see them push either 188 or 822 on the remote control. MTV or 90's hit music, respectfully. What? I need something to really get me going. Take it easy!
Then the big decision of the day. What pair of boxers really reflects my current mood? Which one of these things will give me good luck today? If I take a favorite one today then in 3 days I will be down to the boring not-so-comfortable pair of boxers. Should I live it up now and worry later or plan ahead? Doing laundry is only in case of emergency.
The pants are the ones that I wore the night before. I must then think if I will meet anyone that day that my shirt will make any difference in my appearance. If there is nothing special happening today then I'll just grab a shirt. Otherwise, I'll have to chose accordingly. I put it over my tzitzis.
Some people have one yarmulka for night and one for day. Others wear the same yarmulka always. Day or night. For good or for bad. They will wear it months without washing it. Losing it while sleeping is the largest reason for putting on a new one. I'm of the latter. I like my yarmulka really broken in through the twist and turns of Chassidishe Chalomos.
Depending on my time I'll either make myself eggs or have cereal.
It is time to change the channel to the "Chassidishe Channel" - FoxNews. It's safe to have that in the background while I daaven. Did I say Brachos before eating? I can't remember? I should have.
After Daavening it's time for morning seder. I learn Chassidus in the morning for an hour. On my way back I have to figure out who's wearing a sheitel or not on the street. With some of these sheitels these days it's hard to figure out who I can flirt with. Well maybe flirt is the wrong word. Admire. That is a more accurate word. I need to know what kind of G-d's scenery I'm aloud to "admire" with a clear conscience.
After a short secular day I'll make sure to watch some of my favorite shows including Entourage on HBO. We'll I guess I don't watch TV. It's not TV it's HBO.
I do have lots of desires during the day that I'd like to act on. I also have feelings that I want to learn more and be closer to the Rebbe. Will any of these thoughts or feelings materialize?
Why don't we go the bar and have some drinks while we think this over?
To Be Continued...