Friday, September 29, 2006


A comfortable shoe specially made for Yom Kippur! They just don't know it.
They call these babies CROCS - Just picked up a pair for the fasting holiday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and of couse the yom kippur shoes have to be amongst the ugliest of creations...nothings perfect

10/01/2006 1:11 PM  
Blogger Suma said...

I was not to happy with the comfort of these things.. You can get them at cosco for 20 bux.. don't pay more than 30 for them.. I think I'll save them for swimming.. maybe mikvah

10/03/2006 3:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

excuse me, anonymous number one. Crocs are not ugly. they are very attractive.

10/05/2006 3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes anonymous i agree. but does anyone else notice that the crocs in the picture are MANY crocs???! of course theyre not comfortable! you're trying to put your feet into all of them every split second! Only a monster can do that!

10/05/2006 3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous, monsters dont wear crocs, so PUH LEASE to you.

10/05/2006 3:07 PM  
Blogger Nemo said...

First ever comfortable YK shoes???

What about Converse All-Stars?

Ok, maybe not so comfortable, but there's plenty of Adidas sneakers out there these days.

10/10/2006 8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sent to me in an email... interesting enough to share with the masses, thought it might give you some of a perspective from the other side... :)

Question of the Week:

Here is the dating paradox: Why are all the good guys taken already? Why are my friends' husbands all such wonderful people, and the guys I meet all seem to be missing something?


It is not that the good guys are taken, it is that a taken guy is more desirable. Loving and being loved brings out the best in us. So a guy in a relationship does have something that the available guys are missing - someone to love.

A painting will always look better once it is framed and hung on the wall. A couch is far more attractive in a home than in a showroom. And people are more beautiful when they have found love. The human soul is only truly itself when it has opened up to someone else.

When we love someone, we are more alive. Our feelings are more vivid, our sensitivity is heightened and our personalities flourish. When we are loved by someone, we feel more confident and free, content and complete.

We can share love with our family and friends, but until we find our soulmate we are only half a person. It is when man and woman come together that they are the image of G-d, they are complete.

You can't go furniture shopping in someone else's loungeroom. And you can't compare the guys you date to your friends' husbands. A complete person doesn't need you. A half seeking their missing half does.

Feel your halfness, and recognise the halfness in another. Then you'll find there are plenty of wonderful guys out there. One is waiting for you. Without you, he's only half the guy he could be.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

11/24/2006 12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nearly yom kippur again...

12/24/2006 6:18 PM  

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