Baruch Dayan Emes

An infinite fountain of ink cannot express enough
No word or letter can define the pain and emptiness
An infinite fountain of faith is needed to overcome
Is it justified to close the curtains before they open
The show did not begin
How can You take life when life hasn't started?
Your way is a mystery to the naked eye
It is pain for a mother, sister, brother, family and friends
It is a shock to an entire Chabad and Jewish family
May we no longer be curious with pain
May Moshiach come for an infinite fountain of purity
May REIZEL BAT SHEINA DEVORAH of 10 years young
continute to live...
Through us and in the highest true life above
amen amen amen
but no, she shouldnt live in the highest true life above-she should come back to us with moshiach already!
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