Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006

Let their sacrifice row us to a tower of great perspective.
Let their loved ones see us living to our potential.
They were not lost in vain.
Let us never forget our worst days to help us bless today.
Let us forget our personal pain for today reminds us of the bigger
Let us pray for perspective without sorrow.
Let us remember.
Monday, May 15, 2006

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.
- Frank Tibolt
Sick of negotiating with a machine?

"I'm sorry you have pressed an incorrect key.. please try again..."
Speak to a human!
Click on the above link for the direct number to speak to a human in most companies.. a must have list for those with no machine patients!!
Print out the list and keep near phone..
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Matisyahu Paparazzi Caught in Mikvah

AP Brooklyn, NY -- This New York borough is famous for its great diversity of race and religion. That's why it is with no surprise that half-hassid half-Rastafarian Matisyahu calls this place his home. He lives in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn with his wife and child.
Crown Heights is famous for a concentrated mix of hassidim and blacks. While observing the main hassidic streets, a community outsider would never guess that one of the men walking is an international superstar. Matisyahu blends right in, sporting the traditional black hat and long coat that hassidim are famous for.
"You couldn't ask for anything better," said Madonna, who is performing this summer with Matisyahu. "If I could have an entire city that dresses just like me, I could escape the [paparazzi] hysteria when ever I want..." adds the queen of pop.
That is what makes it a bigger mystery as to how Charles Docks, a photographer for a British tabloid, worked his way into a Crown Heights Mikvah while Matisyahu was visiting. A Mikvah is a traditional Jewish bathhouse. It is tradition in this community for many Jewish males to visit the holy body of water daily.
"I think it's a total disgrace and we will take action," said Dr. Harvey Lang, a community leader. He added that his resources were undeservingly drained due to a disputed local election. "This would have never happened if people just listened to [meat business tycoon Moses] Rubashkin."
Harvey Gold, a spokesman for Sony Records said in a statement: "We will do everything in our power to stop this from happening in the future... Mr. Docks went to an all-new outrageous low in this business... We are working with our law department to file criminal charges against him... We will pay for metal detectors at the bath-house until we can resolve this.."
The website CelebritySpot (blogger warning: graphic pictures) bought and posted the Mikvah pictures of Matisyahu online. The singers manager said they are working around the clock to find a way to take them down.
"Hey it's much easier than the airport.. without clothes we never beep going through the metal detector.. well most of us.." Said Shue Goldstein, a local member of the Mikvah.
With reporting by Matt Rosler, New York.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
Random - from todays "junk mail" folder

I got 2 RANDOM emails today.. here they are.. in order:
hi i've written to you before, but you have failed to reply:
Hi!My name is _________. I'm from ________, _______. I visit Crown Heights very often and I have many family members in America, and who visit Crown Height very often as well.Until now, I used your services every time I was in New York, and I can say I was satisfied with your services. However, just this past month, I was in for my brother's wedding and I was treated very badly by one of your drivers.On Tuesday, April 4, I ordered your service to the airport with my sister. We were both catching a flight to Israel. I made it very clear to the man on the phone that I have three suitcases and some hand luggage. He obviously misunderstood me, or thought that a small car was sufficient.Your driver came on time (2:30 pm). He acted very rudely even before he saw the amount of luggage I had.He started to scream at me in Hebrew that he is not my slave and that I must carry the bags myself. Then, when he realized how many things we had, he became even more fired up. If I'm correct he had a Statemen, and it had a very large and deep trunk and could easily fit the 3 suitcases with even some small hand luggage.I suggested it to him, but he just begn to scream at me more. I told him that if he continued to scream at me or my sister, I would have to take my stuff out of the car and find a better car service.At one point, despite the late hour, I was forced to take my stuff out, because the man could not speak settled. In his anger, he broke my sister's suitcase and then told her it wasn't his fault. He didn't even apologize.I said something to him that I shouldn't have, but because of my getting heated up, I did. As a result, he threatened to hit me and chased me down Crown Street.Once all my bags were out, I called your office and asked that you send me someone who could act normal. I explained the problem of the size of the car. The man on the other line claimed that it was my fault for not specifying what I wanted. I suggested that because of the ill-treatment we recieved, he should send us a mini-van for no extra charge.He began to scream at me. "You are trying to trick us! You really needed the minivan...!"I explained that I had never said we didn't need a minivan. We just needed a vehicle that would fit 3 suitcases and some hand luggage.I was rather offended at his blatant accusation.This is the end of the story. In the end we took a different car service and just made our flight!
The point is: I would have been able to forgive you if the driver was crazy and you were just employing him so he would have work or some other reason. But I was disgusted that when I called up for help, you took his side and didn't respect the fact that we could have missed our flight because of your failure to respond to a client in teh corrrect manner.
I have a big family (bli ain hora) and many friends in Crown Heights. I have told the story to many people and they are not sure whether they want to continue using your service unless you can explain the occurrence or at least apologize for what happened.
I hope you take this letter seriously. A response would be very much appreciated.
Yours truly,
from ____________, ________
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