Inner Beauty

RBR said...
Whenever I think of chof-beis, I groan. It makes it hard to get to the train with the amount of girls. And the shrieking. I came in all four years when i was in high school, and never felt the need to scream and hug someone. And the no coat thing is just ridiculous. Be smart enough not to get sick. But MS, its not all about looks, its about inner beauty too (i had to throw it in)
Manhattan Spelling said...
RBR.. Looks like your cold in that picture even with the coat..
Yes, your right it's not all about the looks.. but there are 2 basic categories of beautiful girls:
1) G-d's beautiful SceneryWhen I'm walking down Kingston Ave. I don't see inner beauty.. All I see is what's out there.. and so I could say to myself.. K' Nayna Hara once and a while.. (Kayn Ayin Hara)
2) Everlasting BondSometimes I will meet someone and the more I get to know her the uglier she gets.. and vice-versa..
But in both of the above 2 there is one exception.. at least for me.. it's a girls worst 3 letter word.. FAT.. I just don't really have an attraction to someone that is fat.. I keep myself in shape and am not familiar how to handle the extra stuff.. I won't even know the first thing to do with it..
Oh, so your going to tell me.. what if your wife gets fat?
Good question..
In that case.. I'm screwed.. No just kidding..
I think it's just like a baby.. I think Gd gives a child in a really cute innocent form.. the parent builds this love and bond... and once that bond is there.. no matter what happens to the child that cute innocent perception will always remain there to some degree.. Same with marriage.. once the bond is there.. it's just love..
It might take a few years to create that bond called love.. but once you get the real love it doesn't matter..
Hey, that's just me..
Interesting take on the matter... can't say I agree or disagree, but I think that's fair enough.
You're entitled to your opinions no matter what they are.
Where do you stand on gay marriage ;) --- JUST! KIDDING!
Firstly, kewl i made it into a post.
Second, Awesome Picture.
Third, for your sake i hope you don't relay that message to the girls you go out with. Hopefully you'kk find your wife beautiful no matter what. So what exactly do you call fat? What size has become unacceptable these days?
Fourth, what makes you think I ws still cold?
S. "you can't say you agree or disagree" well what's your take?
Firstly, I'm glad you brought up the subject..
Second, Thanx..
Third.. ya.. i do hope i find her beautiful no matter what.. but I think you might have misunderstood a little what i was saying..
I think when you develop that love and think she is extremely beautiful.. if it's real love and beauty.. i don't think that goes away.. I think no matter what she will look like.. that begginers love will make her look beautiful.. of course she can work on herself to make herself look even better.. but the perseption of beautiful usually doesn't die..
Fouth, you have that look like your trying to convince yourself it's not cold.. it's that cold.. what is the context of that picture?
Which picture, the one in my profile or the one of me in snow?
The one of my profile, i'm inside my house actually and was having a good hair dayo i snapped a pic. of myself. As foor the other, yeah i'm sure i was cold.
Wow. Well... where to start?
a. I UNDERSTAND but disagree with you in regard to your statement "i wouldnt know what to do with it(extra fat)." It makes you uncomfortable, well... thats YOUR issue, and it seems rude to say it the way you did. But I see where you're coming from.
b. Are you talking about size (weight?) or beauty in general?
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. So... YES as love develops (or infatuation, either way) I think she'll be beautiful to you, regardless of her beauty "rating" in the social spectrum. Love has that effect... and additionally, looks grow on you. Ever heard the expression "learn to love?" I think it can apply to physical detail as well.
c. You never answered RBR: What do you call fat? What size is unacceptable?
S.. I'll tell you the truth.. I think it all depends on the differant people and dif. builds..
I'm not that bucky in sizes.. but I think the above statement applies when the girl is in realistic range.. I think anything above 16 calls for some Balleys total womens fitness.. don't quote me on that number because I'm not totally sure about the whole size thing.. what's what..
Manhat: I agree... about the diff. builds thingy... and your second paragraph; I think that's fair.
dating virgin.. you tell me.. what do girls look for.. I think it really depends on the depth and curruption of the girl..
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