Sheep Nation - Sicha

Some highlights of this weeks Sicha - MISHPATIM.
I was talking to my old principal the other day and we were analizing "the process".
He said he generally doesn't like accepting new kids past great 4 or 5. If they are enrolling for those grades he personally interviews them.
He devides the category of kids in three categories:
1) An Ox - All firy with lot's of energy and "streghnth." The child is motivated, smart and calculated. Even if the kid is using all those qualities in a way that is not acceptable to the school, he will accept that kid. As long as the ability is there, "the system" just has to direct the energy in the right direction.
2) The Donkey - The donkey is not as "strong" as the ox.. but it is very devoted. Again, even if he's devoted to Spongemouth Bob.. he still has that ability that can be channeled in the right direction.
3) The Sheep - The category he's most hesitant about accepting. A sheep is a "weak" animal. It doesn't really have much of a drive and wonders off very easily. It just follows wherever it's led.. and even then wonders off. (Since Moshe Rabeinu.. you always read about sheep wondering off)
The Rebbe analizes the deeper meaning of a guardian. The Parsha talks about a paid and an unpaid watcher. If the watcher lies and is found responsible he must pay double what the item was worth.
The Gemara lists differant kinds of lost objects that must be returned. It names an Ox, Donkey, clothing and Sheep. Seemingly, we would find it obvious to return the easy little sheep if it states that you must return the strong ox that gored & the donkey in a hot season.
The deeper meaning?
Before we come down to this earth we promise that we will be a tzadik. A "good ox". Our souls are then given to our bodies. We are our souls watchers. We must lead the ox or donkey to the right place. Those two are actually the easier ones. Therefore it must point out that it is our duty to return the "wondering sheep".
The Rebbe said that it is very applicable these days. We have many lost sheep. Lost sheep are Jews that never really educated themselves with Torah. They just don't know better. Most "fry-outs" I know these days are also compared to sheep because they never really gained enough knowledge to grow to an "ox". (We'll leave all the ox-like growing to sem. girls. Most girls return from Sem. taking up more of the plane seat. Focus Manhattan Focus...) There's only one guy I know that is a REAL "fry-out" he is brilliant and learned more than many people. He just chooses to focus his "ox" in the wrong direction - running with the ox.
The Rebbe adds that we are heading in one of two directions. We are returning the sheep and reaching out to everyone in our city. Or our city reaches out into our home. And we become effected by society.
Hey, maybe this whole shlichus thing benefits us more than the world. I wonder if we have more fryed out kids in Crown Heights and L.A. Lubab. neighborhoods or shluchims kids. I think it's the first one.. which proves the point.
Something to chew on:-)
Have a great Shabbos!
Disclaimer: Long Sicha.. the above is just taking dif. points from the Sicha.. for the full non-constipated version check out Lekutei Sichas Original (Chelek Aleph).
Shkoach for the sicha. ;)
What do you mean maybe "shlichus benefits us more than the world"
and "its the first one?" I lost ya at the end there.
Hey S. (love your name it as a ring to it)
Ya.. sorry.. it was kinda late and I had to write it in a rush.. but I'm glad you understood the rest.. right?
"shlichus benefits us more than the world" - meaning it helps us preserve our beliefs etc.. that we could pos. be gaining more by going on shlichus than having an effect on others (the world) understand?
"its the first one" - I think there are more fryed out kids in Frum communities than kids on shlichus in secular "communities"..
Shlichus benefits us more than the world - - - Now I get what you mean to say... and its a valid point. But thats not the reason we do it.
More "frei" kids in Frum communities - - - oh absolutely. But I think thats comparing apples and oranges. Kids who grow up on shlichus, or "young adults" (if you will ... for lack of a better word.) who go out to help shluchim (and even shluchim themselves) have a different mindset and attitude, albeit "the world" and it's teases are all around them.
Kids growing up on shlichus have it ingrained in them that they're different and they're proud of it. They grow up with a whole different perspective of the world and its questionable ethics.
YA helping shluchim are hopefully already strong enough in themselves to know how to make the right decisions and choices, and to know the reason they're there.
Sorry for the long hahck. I'm surprised this thing doesn't limit you to 500 words or less ;)
Did I scare you away? ;P
not really.. did you watch the sheep commercial? I had to watch it a few times.. really kute..
Apples and Oranges you say.. that's exactly my point.. that when you have a mindset of shlichus etc.. it helps protect you.. and that's not really a mindset in the Frum Communities.. that's why we have the high frei rate..
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