Orange is Back

Tel Aviv, Israel -- With Israeli parliamentary elections near, Israeli's are panicking. Nearly 50% of registered voters are still undecided. What does undecided mean?
Ask Aviva Forenhelstein from Quiriat Gat. "We are very much decided," she says. "We decided that non of these mainstream candidates are fit to serve the holy land!"
Maholi Crapovitch, a resident of Jerusalem, says the only "One I will vote for is G-d." And this is coming from an Orthodox Jew that's an atheist. Point being, Israeli's are desperate for another option.
That is why there was an emergency meeting last night with many of Israel's' top Rabbi's. After hours of speeches, debates and intense arguments they have released a statement.
"Orange is back!" That is the statement they gave. The Rabbis have joined forces in calling for everyone to wear and display the color orange. This time not for Gush Katif, but as a gesture for a complete and speedy recovery of Sharon.
"[Sharon] must have had some kind of overall plan. We must wake him to see what it is;" says Rabbi Green of Rosh Edom. He is also on the board for the RIDFCCS (Rabbi's In Discussion For Color Coded Systems.)
With Reporting by Amadijian Al Ziharjihal.
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