Where is the music?

I asked my friend in the music industry - why they are switching to talk instead of music. He said because they realized that they have more listeners from talk than with music.
Great.. that's like a fruit store owner switching the fruits and vegetables for socks because more people buy socks.. Open another store!!
90.7 fm is good.
KROQ 92.3 FM should rot! They are traitors and back stabbers for leaving their listeners and going to do talk radio instead of rock.
Where is the love? They abandoned the passion they once had for good rock. They are but a body without a soul.
I will never forgive this betrayal.
I agree with you Manhat...
though not a big radio-listener myself...but the points you bring are so right.
No sicha this week?
Hey s.. sorry about the late sicha.. busy week! Thanx for the reminder..
You never cease to amuse me. But I say switch back to jewish, this must be your sign.
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