Baruch Dayan Haemes

I don't even know where to start and how to respond to this huge tragedy. My friend told me her was there before the police came and the police response wasn't that great. He said that Mr. Klein OB"H had his window open at the time suggesting that he might have been talking to someone at the time of the shooting. The car then drove swiping apx. 10 cars, he said. The fire department and Hatzala were the first on the scene. I was told that when the car finally hit the car that stopped it, it caught flames. Then there are some reports that he got out of the car and tried to run away before he collapsed.
Whatever the story, things are sketchy. We must show outrage through phone calls, protests etc.. We need more cops and security.
I think Bloomberg has done great things for the NY economy, but crime has been going up as well.
At this point, I'm not even sure who to be upset at or how to react. Is this something that we should blame on "shvartzas"? Should we say enough is enough with these guys? They are ruining societies and communities! But I have some friends that are black, really nice guys.. How can I generalize? Ahhh....
I went to his brother 2nite for Shiva.. pretty sad..
I can't even imagine.
It's so crazy.
Kudos to you for blogging.
...I hear ya on all points.
may Hashem comfort all the mourners of Zion. And may we merit to see the revelation of Mashiach!
My thoughts exactly.
We have so little control over our lives; I think that is supposed to be a good thing but I am having trouble feeling that now. What a great beginning to this happy month.
Thanks for posting.
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