I'm at a friends for Pesach.. His wife is due.. any minute now.. with her 2nd child..
When I came to the house I noticed a sign on the fridge that his wife wrote when she was close to due.. I was very impressed and said I want a wife that has the mind to do this..
She wrote out in detail how to take care of the first kid when she's gone.. you know covering all bases.. There was something about it that had me take it off the fridge, type it up and post it.. so here you go:
- Usually wakes up between 5:30 AM & 6:00 AM (if he cries before 5:00 try not to get him.. wait until as close to 5:00 AM as you can)
- He has a milk bottle warmed in the microwave for 45 seconds.. Basically right when he gets up.
- He plays for about an hour and by 7:15 usually he wants to eat. (Breakfast is usually a bowl of oatmeal, 1 egg with a little cheese, or a yogurt w/ some try cereal in it).
- He can be up for about five/five and a half hours before he needs a nap. (give him a bottle before his nap). (if he wakes @ 5:30 nap @ 10:30 – 6:00 nap @ 11:00 and so on.)
- His nap should be an hour maybe 1 hour 15 min. (if your lucky).
- When he wakes up he usually eats lunch 12:00 – 12:30.
- Once he’s up he’s up for the day. The more running around the better he’ll sleep.
- He’ll be ready for another bottle @ like three 3:00 PM.
- Between 4:30 PM & 5:00 PM he usually eats dinner (BTW he likes frozen pea’s)
- After dinner he gets a short bath, right into PJ’s, stories, bottle.. say shema w/ him. And he goes to bed what ever time he woke up. If up at 5:30 AM put to bed as close to 5:30 PM as you can etc……… The later the more he’ll cry.