The Next Best Thing...

These friendly little booklets are a must have for anyone that does or is thinking about doing Chitas and/or Rambam. It puts everything in easy-to-read format (even lets you know in the chumish section if there is Rashi below.. so you don't have to check after each posuk for the Rashi.. and has a section of the Tanya with them seemingly illegal vowel signs).
It also has nice bonus features: Sicha of the week.. Mamar.. HaYom yom etc...
Best of all - it's free... At least for those living in Crown Heights... I'm not sure if they ship to the outside world.. hmm..
Just email these guys and they'll have a fresh copy delivered to your doorstep every week. In the email just ask them to add you to their mailing list for D'Var Malchus and leave your address.. and like magic these colorful little fellas will be introduced into your life.
Sounds too good to be true, but I just signed up.
kosher.. keep me posted if this colorful revelution worked with you as did with me..
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