Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Stuped is Stuped Does
Can you sue someone for being stupid?
That seems to be just the case in Dilpher, Oklahoma where a women is suing her employee for being just that, stupid.
"Suing, is that a good thing?" Responded the employee, Seth A. Friken, when we inquired as to his reaction to such a harsh allegation.
The employer, Phylis Gross, is fed up with all the negative attention this story is getting.
"If a potential employee tells you that he or she is smart," she starts her premise, "one should be able to take legal action [based on] false representation and lying, if the employee turns out to be stupid."
Who can judge if someone is stupid?
"A jury!" Phylis declares. "Yes, let them listen to his testimony and they can see for themselves."
Gross claims that a stupid employee can set back her operation by weeks, in some cases months, with the loss of productivity of significant value.
"If someone says they are not taking drugs and it turns out they are, I can sue them for destroying my machinery.... this is no different," closes Gross.
All the defendant, Mr. Friken, says in his defense: "Mama always says 'Stupid is Stupid Does.'"
While many think this lawsuit is stupid, many law professionals say she has a valid case. Many lawyers and law students are watching this case closely with bated breath.
This case can set precedence for millions of stupid employees which are estimated to be in the United States workforce, according to a study by Morgan Stanley Inc.
The lawyer representing Seth is his uncle, Norma Frikin. He claims that the boss was just trying to get Gross back for suing her the year before.
In court papers that we found, Gross tried to sue his boss based on the fact that he, and other minorities, were hired just to be politically correct - racially. In his claim: "We were hired just because we were a minority... which constitutes as racism. We weren't hired for the right reasons."
An expert predicts they will use Gross' claim as defense if the jury finds him legally stupid.
With Reporting by Sam Bayer and Manhattan Spelling - Washington
DNA pioneer apologizes over race row
B&H settles discrimination suit, agrees to pay $4.3 million
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006

But if you do.. know how to lie like a pro!
Hey anything for Shalom Bayis.. isn't that what they say?
Hey anything for Shalom Bayis.. isn't that what they say?
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Amazing! Can you just get up and move on after something like this... Look at this guy.. We should all apply this "get up and go" attitude to our daily life challenges.. Caption: Biker hit by car and lands on his feet with ninja like smoothness.. |
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Thursday, June 08, 2006

I am a pretty frequent flyer... Just wanted to give you guys a quick tip for the next time your in the airport...
When you go through security they say "we strongly recomend you take off your shoes"
If you take them off --- you have to untie them... put them through the machine.. wait for them... find a seat.. put them back on.. (and chances are you won't get them on as well as you had them before)
If you DON'T take them off --- they call you over to the side.. and one of the board security personel rubs a cloth on your shoes (and sometimes hands).. sticks it in the machine.. and your good to go..
-->unless you look like the guy below ;-)
Monday, June 05, 2006
Baruch Dayan Emes

An infinite fountain of ink cannot express enough
No word or letter can define the pain and emptiness
An infinite fountain of faith is needed to overcome
Is it justified to close the curtains before they open
The show did not begin
How can You take life when life hasn't started?
Your way is a mystery to the naked eye
It is pain for a mother, sister, brother, family and friends
It is a shock to an entire Chabad and Jewish family
May we no longer be curious with pain
May Moshiach come for an infinite fountain of purity
May REIZEL BAT SHEINA DEVORAH of 10 years young
continute to live...
Through us and in the highest true life above
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006

Let their sacrifice row us to a tower of great perspective.
Let their loved ones see us living to our potential.
They were not lost in vain.
Let us never forget our worst days to help us bless today.
Let us forget our personal pain for today reminds us of the bigger
Let us pray for perspective without sorrow.
Let us remember.
Monday, May 15, 2006

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.
- Frank Tibolt
Sick of negotiating with a machine?

"I'm sorry you have pressed an incorrect key.. please try again..."
Speak to a human!
Click on the above link for the direct number to speak to a human in most companies.. a must have list for those with no machine patients!!
Print out the list and keep near phone..
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Matisyahu Paparazzi Caught in Mikvah

AP Brooklyn, NY -- This New York borough is famous for its great diversity of race and religion. That's why it is with no surprise that half-hassid half-Rastafarian Matisyahu calls this place his home. He lives in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn with his wife and child.
Crown Heights is famous for a concentrated mix of hassidim and blacks. While observing the main hassidic streets, a community outsider would never guess that one of the men walking is an international superstar. Matisyahu blends right in, sporting the traditional black hat and long coat that hassidim are famous for.
"You couldn't ask for anything better," said Madonna, who is performing this summer with Matisyahu. "If I could have an entire city that dresses just like me, I could escape the [paparazzi] hysteria when ever I want..." adds the queen of pop.
That is what makes it a bigger mystery as to how Charles Docks, a photographer for a British tabloid, worked his way into a Crown Heights Mikvah while Matisyahu was visiting. A Mikvah is a traditional Jewish bathhouse. It is tradition in this community for many Jewish males to visit the holy body of water daily.
"I think it's a total disgrace and we will take action," said Dr. Harvey Lang, a community leader. He added that his resources were undeservingly drained due to a disputed local election. "This would have never happened if people just listened to [meat business tycoon Moses] Rubashkin."
Harvey Gold, a spokesman for Sony Records said in a statement: "We will do everything in our power to stop this from happening in the future... Mr. Docks went to an all-new outrageous low in this business... We are working with our law department to file criminal charges against him... We will pay for metal detectors at the bath-house until we can resolve this.."
The website CelebritySpot (blogger warning: graphic pictures) bought and posted the Mikvah pictures of Matisyahu online. The singers manager said they are working around the clock to find a way to take them down.
"Hey it's much easier than the airport.. without clothes we never beep going through the metal detector.. well most of us.." Said Shue Goldstein, a local member of the Mikvah.
With reporting by Matt Rosler, New York.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
Random - from todays "junk mail" folder

I got 2 RANDOM emails today.. here they are.. in order:
hi i've written to you before, but you have failed to reply:
Hi!My name is _________. I'm from ________, _______. I visit Crown Heights very often and I have many family members in America, and who visit Crown Height very often as well.Until now, I used your services every time I was in New York, and I can say I was satisfied with your services. However, just this past month, I was in for my brother's wedding and I was treated very badly by one of your drivers.On Tuesday, April 4, I ordered your service to the airport with my sister. We were both catching a flight to Israel. I made it very clear to the man on the phone that I have three suitcases and some hand luggage. He obviously misunderstood me, or thought that a small car was sufficient.Your driver came on time (2:30 pm). He acted very rudely even before he saw the amount of luggage I had.He started to scream at me in Hebrew that he is not my slave and that I must carry the bags myself. Then, when he realized how many things we had, he became even more fired up. If I'm correct he had a Statemen, and it had a very large and deep trunk and could easily fit the 3 suitcases with even some small hand luggage.I suggested it to him, but he just begn to scream at me more. I told him that if he continued to scream at me or my sister, I would have to take my stuff out of the car and find a better car service.At one point, despite the late hour, I was forced to take my stuff out, because the man could not speak settled. In his anger, he broke my sister's suitcase and then told her it wasn't his fault. He didn't even apologize.I said something to him that I shouldn't have, but because of my getting heated up, I did. As a result, he threatened to hit me and chased me down Crown Street.Once all my bags were out, I called your office and asked that you send me someone who could act normal. I explained the problem of the size of the car. The man on the other line claimed that it was my fault for not specifying what I wanted. I suggested that because of the ill-treatment we recieved, he should send us a mini-van for no extra charge.He began to scream at me. "You are trying to trick us! You really needed the minivan...!"I explained that I had never said we didn't need a minivan. We just needed a vehicle that would fit 3 suitcases and some hand luggage.I was rather offended at his blatant accusation.This is the end of the story. In the end we took a different car service and just made our flight!
The point is: I would have been able to forgive you if the driver was crazy and you were just employing him so he would have work or some other reason. But I was disgusted that when I called up for help, you took his side and didn't respect the fact that we could have missed our flight because of your failure to respond to a client in teh corrrect manner.
I have a big family (bli ain hora) and many friends in Crown Heights. I have told the story to many people and they are not sure whether they want to continue using your service unless you can explain the occurrence or at least apologize for what happened.
I hope you take this letter seriously. A response would be very much appreciated.
Yours truly,
from ____________, ________
sorry, you recieved an e-mail not meant for you to recieve.
please discard it
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Armed.. kinda..

Hey People..
I finally got one.. After reading about all the harassment in Crown Heights.. I bought myself a little hand pepper spray.. and why not?
I know some of you are thinking.. ah.. kinda corny.. it's for women that walk alone in dark, late-nite, parking lots that can never figure out how to open their car door and drop their keys at least 3 time while trying.... but trust me.. these little things could save your life..
I was in a situation not too long ago where a friend of mine was carrying some mace on him and it possibly saved our lives from a knife attacker..
So do your friends and family a favor.. take $14 and 8 cents with you to sunshine pharmacy and buy one.. don't buy the cheaper one.. this one sprays like 12 feet away.. simple to use..
Let me know if you bought one!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
The little/big things...

I'm at a friends for Pesach.. His wife is due.. any minute now.. with her 2nd child..
When I came to the house I noticed a sign on the fridge that his wife wrote when she was close to due.. I was very impressed and said I want a wife that has the mind to do this..
She wrote out in detail how to take care of the first kid when she's gone.. you know covering all bases.. There was something about it that had me take it off the fridge, type it up and post it.. so here you go:
- Usually wakes up between 5:30 AM & 6:00 AM (if he cries before 5:00 try not to get him.. wait until as close to 5:00 AM as you can)
- He has a milk bottle warmed in the microwave for 45 seconds.. Basically right when he gets up.
- He plays for about an hour and by 7:15 usually he wants to eat. (Breakfast is usually a bowl of oatmeal, 1 egg with a little cheese, or a yogurt w/ some try cereal in it).
- He can be up for about five/five and a half hours before he needs a nap. (give him a bottle before his nap). (if he wakes @ 5:30 nap @ 10:30 – 6:00 nap @ 11:00 and so on.)
- His nap should be an hour maybe 1 hour 15 min. (if your lucky).
- When he wakes up he usually eats lunch 12:00 – 12:30.
- Once he’s up he’s up for the day. The more running around the better he’ll sleep.
- He’ll be ready for another bottle @ like three 3:00 PM.
- Between 4:30 PM & 5:00 PM he usually eats dinner (BTW he likes frozen pea’s)
- After dinner he gets a short bath, right into PJ’s, stories, bottle.. say shema w/ him. And he goes to bed what ever time he woke up. If up at 5:30 AM put to bed as close to 5:30 PM as you can etc……… The later the more he’ll cry.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Sunday, April 02, 2006
The Next Best Thing...

These friendly little booklets are a must have for anyone that does or is thinking about doing Chitas and/or Rambam. It puts everything in easy-to-read format (even lets you know in the chumish section if there is Rashi below.. so you don't have to check after each posuk for the Rashi.. and has a section of the Tanya with them seemingly illegal vowel signs).
It also has nice bonus features: Sicha of the week.. Mamar.. HaYom yom etc...
Best of all - it's free... At least for those living in Crown Heights... I'm not sure if they ship to the outside world.. hmm..
Just email these guys and they'll have a fresh copy delivered to your doorstep every week. In the email just ask them to add you to their mailing list for D'Var Malchus and leave your address.. and like magic these colorful little fellas will be introduced into your life.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Top Fashion Shiduch System (TFSS)
Source: The Crown Heights Chronicle - The Crown Heights shiduch system needs a little help. That's what many single people that I've interviewed said. That is why the top shadchunim (matchmakers) and community leaders joined in an emergency meeting last week. The urgency came after a census report revealed that there is a 27% hike of single "Caucasians" living in the community. This is since 1998. The report also shows a 17% growth of singles that are over 23.
"Why?" Asks Mrs. Adelman, a veteran Shadchun. "I don't think it's an inefficiency of [matchmakers]."
Others disagree. "I think they act like hard-to-get celebrities." Says Malka (a 27 year-old single girl who declined to give her last name). "They just put two names together and close their eyes without thinking of the emotional ride [they] put us on."
Most Shadchonim, though, realize that something has to change. "I think girls are more independent now... guys and girls are getting very specific in their taste.." A community leader, that attended the emergency shiduch meeting, told us. "What ever happened to the good old days where there is a guy and a girl and they just make it work?"
The outcome of the meeting was a start of "out of the box" ideas. The first one that they came up with is the Top Fashion Shiduch System.
The store on Kingston Ave. called Top Fashion agreed to join in on the matchmaking journey. The system is simple. Guys can come and meet with the store owner to tell her what kind of girl they are looking for. They also give a reseme describing themselves. The workers review all the résumés and requests weekly, and quietly scout out the girls that shop there. If they think that something would click, they set up a meeting with the girl to see if she's interested.
"I think we see a totally differant side of the girl [when they shop here]," says Mrs. Blizinsky, in a stale, Israeli accent. "We can really get to know the real girl while in her natural [habitat]."
And to the question of "are you offended" answered top shadchun Rochel Bryski: "No... A lot of girls think that people will look down on them if they go to a shadchun. It's kind of like the stigma of going to a shrink... even though they are both totally different.. although I do let my clients talk and take their time.. I guess you could call it a little therapeutic.. but that's beyond the point.. what was I saying.. oh, ya... with Top Fashion.. the staff there are able to meet a lot of girls that wouldn't come to me or any other shadchun.. it really widens the net.. and I guess gives them more business.. but no of course I'm not offended!"
Top Fashion reports that they have made three pending shiduchim so far and things are "going real well." Hey, does this dress come with a chosson?
With reporting by Yitzchok Wagshul.
The way of the future.. the way of the future.. the way of the future...
Anonymous said...
it's simple, the girl should be on a higher level, b/c she is the one raising your kids, or at least will be around them most of the time, if you happen to be on that level as well, great but if not, and youhave big plans for your kids, try to get something better, nto much other wise you wont be able to relate, and if thats the case, u have to start changing kid, the change doesnt start after marriage, it begins now. saying that you'll change later, is foolish. anyhow i know what you will say, a girl better than you wont want you, well i ask you, whAT does that mean anyway, what does she have over you? u watch movies, dude, once married, if she doesnt want it in her hosue, u wont be watching a whole lot, i mean naturaly ur not going todo stuff if she doesnt approve, so ultimately u will be on the same level
it's simple, the girl should be on a higher level, b/c she is the one raising your kids, or at least will be around them most of the time, if you happen to be on that level as well, great but if not, and youhave big plans for your kids, try to get something better, nto much other wise you wont be able to relate, and if thats the case, u have to start changing kid, the change doesnt start after marriage, it begins now. saying that you'll change later, is foolish. anyhow i know what you will say, a girl better than you wont want you, well i ask you, whAT does that mean anyway, what does she have over you? u watch movies, dude, once married, if she doesnt want it in her hosue, u wont be watching a whole lot, i mean naturaly ur not going todo stuff if she doesnt approve, so ultimately u will be on the same level
Friday, March 24, 2006
Being 24

Being 24 is the feeling you get if you ait only cold farina cereal every meal for 3 weeks.
Among other things, this year has been the best year of my life. It has been a year of perspective, foundation and friendship. I held on tight for a real wild ride. With intense speed, I feel I traveled the distants of at least 14 years. But yet I'm here. Happy. Alive. Living.
Motzei Shabbos we celebrate with Pizza, Pasta and Sushie.. Too bad I don't really eat dairy...
Crazy busy week.. learned a great sicha.. but no time to post.. I'MH next week!!
Have a greeeeat SHabbos!!